Thursday, November 23, 2006


I love vacations from school! It's been a relaxing 2 days so far, just sleeping in and scrapbooking, putzing around the house, doing thank you cards... So I am pretty chilled about the baby not being here.

Thanks for all your advice and comments; hopefully we will be prepared to make a good decision when and if the time comes to make that decision!

No new symptoms, feelings, etc... My back was cramping up two nights ago, but that seems to be gone and I am just same old me. Same old me pllus big belly. But even the thought and sight of that makes me giggle; when I catch glimpses of myself in store windows walking down the street I can't help but laugh at my humpty dumpty figure.

We'll keep you posted!


Allison said...

I'm waiting - but no pressure. You just have that baby when it is the right time! By the way, can I still mail stuff to your school address? I think I might phone you right now...

Anonymous said...



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