Sunday, November 19, 2006

not yet

Sorry to disapoint, I know what empty blogs could mean... We have fortunately made it through our major events (concert and 2nd anniversary party for church) and even had today to relax so it has been a good weekend.

Feeling fine, no new symptoms or indicators to report. Dr. appointment tomorrow so maybe we'll get some feedback. (Although Chris was right, last time was soo disapointing!)


Anonymous said...

She will arrive when she is ready to have her birthday. Next year you will know when to have the cake and presents ready, for now it is a surprise to you only.

Anonymous said...

Nevada and Chris, I'm so excited to be a part of your journey. We (pearl) are all anticipating Baby Mack's will be a surprise to all of us!! Thanks for staying "involved" as much as you can. The Anniv Dinner was a success!!!!!!! =P hugs, evrybody wangchung tonite!!!!!!

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