Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's finally here!

That's right...Thursday is finally here. And still no baby. We're anxiously awaiting the baby's arrival. It's so strange, it's like being on a plane and being in a permanent holding pattern. You can't go anywhere or do anything but you also can't get to your destination without the pilot's say so. I know we're supposed to enjoy our last weeks and days of babyless freedom but the stress is overwhelming me...there is no enjoyment in the waiting for this guy. I'm ready. or as ready as I can be. Hopefully the next post will bring THE news.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Ahh, yes. The wait. Isn't it just lovely when people see you, Nevada, and say, "You're STILL pregnant?!" Like you were due a month ago or something!! I had that quite a bit and I only went 4 days over before we headed to the hospital!! Of course, we were all expecting him early until he flipped out of breech, so I guess he went 11 days over?! I know it's hard to wait, but really, you have no choice and when you look back it won't have been so bad. (I can say that now - my baby's here!) I'm trying to be encouraging, but maybe I'm not helping at all. In any case, your time will come and we will all be so excited for you!

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