Monday, December 27, 2010


Gemma loves her new bike, and is for some reason obsessed with TaiDa and going biking there. On Christmas day we did an almost 2 hour bike trip. Boxing day we did an hour and a half. Today she was so excited to go (even after walking the zoo for 6 hours) that we were all dressed and in the porch at 5:45, even though we had a 6:40 date with Auntie. So what did we do? Walked to Auntie's house to help with garbage, then to TaiDa for biking. We didn't get home till about 7:15. I have to job to keep up with her sometimes, she can really cruise, and so I think the bike is going to be an awesome present for all of us. Hours outside everyday, yay!!

Except I have to keep Guinness in the stroller, because he won't cooperate and walk in the same direction as us. I try to please both but the battle of choosing one kid over the other continues.

I really like doing these things with her.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gemma and Time

Still working on time words...

SETTING: Gemma is in the office playing computer games. I come in.

N: How long have you been playing computer games?
G: About 1 hour.
N: We better stop then. An hour is a long time.
G: Hmm, maybe 2 hours. Is that shorter than 1 hour? (imploring expression)
N: Uh, no Gemma. That's even longer.
G: I know, 5 minutes. That's how long I've been playing.

Uh huh, Gemma. Whatever you say.