Monday, February 16, 2009

Chores I've been putting off...

..but had to do in the last week because of Gemma.

1) Clean all the bathtub toys. Yep, all you experienced moms out there already know what I am going to say; she pooped in the tub. This was her first time ever doing that. Thankfully, I was already out of the tub, getting my own jammies on and when I came back there were these floaties and she was sort of looking at them nervously...Ewww ewwww ewwww. But anyway, all teh toys got nice and clean that night.

2) Her body pillow and sheets got washed. The sheets I try to do sort of regularly, but the body pillow had all kinds of toothpaste and drool spots on it I've been meaning to wash off but didn't have time to. Until today, and I was forced to make time because she had DRAWN ON THEM WITH MARKER!! Ahh! We have no idea when this happened, but tonight after supper there were some large orange scribbles on both, and so mommy got the Shout and a toothbrush out and set to work. The sheets came clean no problem in the washing machine, and I got it all out of the pillow, too, thankfully. This is why nothing but Crayola shall come past these doors; so washable just like they say! Crayola marker has so far come out of everything, so I was relieved.


Allison said...

You know, I have been fortunate to have not had poop in the tub. Oh, except for one time, when Jared was only a couple of weeks old, and he did it as we were both getting in and the tub wasn't full yet, so it wasn't a big deal. Lucky me!

i am the diva said...

oh dear, my list of chores i'm avoiding is pretty long

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