Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bedtime Commentary

So I was starting to get pretty discouraged about the whole bedtime thing because as of the beginning of the week she was still crying for about 45 minutes before falling asleep, but then we had a few days in a row of nothing, so that was good. Last night was pretty funny as she was obviously not ready to go to sleep and tried a few new techniques to get our attention.

(When I was laying down with her for cuddle time before I left the room) "I go pee on the potty by myself. No, you don't get up out of bed." and off she went to the potty by herself. Sort of. She went to the potty but didn't do anything.

She came out to use the potty one more time after I had left, so Chris and were sitting on the couch, our movie paused, watching her pretend she had to go pee. At one point she even stood up, grabbed a handful of popcorn off the table and sat back down again, like she was a part of the movie night. Ha!

Then there was the yelling: "Mommy?" MOMMY!" MOMMY!!!" Mommy?" Mommy". "I'm getting up out of bed now!" I'M GETTING UP OUT OF BED NOW!!!

But she didn't; she really hates having the door closed (ok, she hates having the door closed with me holding it shut) so she doesn't get out of bed anymore. And finally she went to sleep.

1 comment:

Grandma Sheri said...

sounds like Mom remember "don't close the door"

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