Saturday, January 31, 2009


Gemma said the funniest thing as we were laying in bed tonight (yes, we... since plan A and B have both failed and I haven't thought of a plan C yet) We were laying close with our heads together, and she whispers in a very dramatic voice, "What's going to happen to us?" I was like, 'What are you talking about?' I can't think of where she heard that one, but anyway she whispered it again, and then said, "Monsters are coming'. She has this new Scooby Doo magnet set that she likes with monsters in it, but they are very friendly monsters of course, anyway that's where the monsters have come from. So I suggested we make a cake for the monsters, with sprinkles, etc, so we could be friends with the monsters and she seemed to think that was a good idea and then fell asleep.

3 pee pees on the potty today. I up-ed my prize to toys, and it seems to be working well. (not new toys, but a bag full of little trinkety stuff given to us by an older neighbor ho must have been forced to clean out her room; perfect potty bribes)

Bought Gemma the Dora is a Big Sister book...BIG disappointment. Bad writing (I thought), and nothing to do with actually caring for siblings. Dora just has to do an adventure home because her mom is having a baby. They go through the spooky forest, nut farm, and then home. What does that have to with emotional preparation for big sisterhood? Nothing!


Shel said...

The whole dora as a big sister series is a disappointment in older sibling preparing. :/

Allison said...

Suggestion for option C: put her to bed and leave (after regular routine, snuggles and kisses, of course!). She might get out - just put her back, and put her back, and put her back. You may have to do it over and over. I think my friend Riley said between her and her husband, the first night they did that with their oldest, they counted 87 times out of bed and back in. We've never done it that much with Jared before he stayed, but that's what we did. And we often still have to. But now usually only a couple times. And I've heard from various sources that the putting back should include nothing but that - no talking, no nothing. Another suggestion comes from Jenn - they put a gate up at Nat's door and then she couldn't come out. Yup, she cried and it was tough, but it worked. We actually locked Jared's door a couple of times as well. Oh - did I just say that?! Bad parents!

Trina said...

What Allison said about putting back to bed, and not doing anything else is really supposed to work. I have heard that you can say something simple like "It is bed time". A lot of child psycologist swear by this method.

As for the Dora going to the nut farm . . . well that might not be entirely untrue, but maybe more for you ;).

The "Berenstein Bears" have a good books about baby comming home (if I remember correctly it has been a lot of years). Maybe something to look into if you can look at a library and not have to buy right away.

Good Luck and keep working at it, it will come and everything will fall into place.