Saturday, January 13, 2007


You would have heard the Hallelugiah chorus in our house two nights ago; She slept for 5 straight hours, from 1am -6am. We are on our way. Last night was not bad either, only up twice but awake from 3:45-5:00am.

She started smiling this week and it is so cute. Its still a little sporadic but we'll try to catch it on camera. She has also really begun spitting up. Yesterday after a feed it was like a tidal wave of milk, it just poured out of her mouth and soaked her arm, the pillow, her clothes (which, by the way, were the third set of clothes we had put on her). Yesterday I was at the store and I had set my purchases on her tummy and then she barfed an arc that landed on her chest and splattered them. Yummy!


Anonymous said...

Her daddy used to spit up frequently as well. It would shoot out. Make sure you mention this to her doctor if it happens often.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nevada,

I can't get over the fact that you are heading back to work in a few weeks. What arrangements did you make for a babysitter? Was it difficult to find a sitter? Is your childcare provider bilingual? I love checking in on your site and look for Gemma updates regularly.


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