Generally she is just busy being cute and growing. We've been working on sleep lately, and how she only will go to sleep on one of us. Ooops... We've been putting her in her crib when she does fall asleep, but it usually takes a few tries to get her to stay down. She is kicking and moving so much that in the freedom of her crib she just balls up, and flails and her arms move all over. In our arms she is more contained. The book I read is Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, and it had some good ideas, but its just so hard to apply them to a real life baby. Like it says that she should fall asleep on her own in the crib. Which is a great idea. But Gemma just won't. She'll lay in it for 10 minutes then cry. So I pick her up, soothe her, put her back down, and then she cries. And on and on. We did this for an hour yesterday and I was like This is so stupid. She is exhausted and needs to sleep, I'm not going to keep doing this for another hour. So I held her for ten minutes till she was out and then put her in her crib. And she was fine. She is so little yet that by the time we get done with all the book shenanagins and finally get her down its 20 minutes till meal time and she is up, so whats the point? The irrational overtired part of me knows she needs to learn to fall asleep by herself, but the normal practical side of me is more like, she'll learn eventually, why spend all this time fighting with her? Things will work themselves out, I'm sure. She made the move from our room to her room though, sleeping in her crib last night. Well, for two hours at a time, in between meals! We had a nap on the couch this morning, her in her boppy pillow and me beside her. I am hoping sleeping through the night comes soon, but we'll see. She is only 8 pounds and so I can't imagine her tummy is very big yet.
We went to the doctor yesterday. She had a little scab on her left bicep that was getting worse and worse; yesterday it was really big and red and hard, like a huge pimple. So I took her in, and the doctor said it was completely normal, the result of her vaccination she got when she was born. If there was no reaction that would be bad and mean it didn't work. You would think they would've mentioned that before I left the hospital; "your baby will get a big sore in about 5 weeks and don't worry about it" but what can I say besides lost in translation. She also has her baby acne this week, and her head is all pimply and her neck and chest too. Buut we quit using lotion and it is clearing up. More good news in the looks department; she is getting new hair on her bald spot. She has lots of hair in the back but the top of her head is pretty sparse. Well, today I noticed a new fuzz, just the smallest sheen like a new peach. What a doll!
I've included some Christmas pictures, we've been delinquent this week in the photo department. But the flicker site is all up to date, so check it out if you haven't been.
Hey Vada,
Just a note, I think that in "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems", she says that pick-up/put-down isn't for babies under three months, which she doesn't mention in the first book. I'll take a look and make sure, but just so you know...
And unfortunately, for us anyway, we did have to re-teach Jared how to fall asleep on his own, after the move. He just wouldn't learn by his own initiative. I don't want to be a downer, but I just know what we went through, and wished we had never let him fall asleep so often with us during the transition, as hard as it was on us all. It just made it worse later. Of course, we still do take the odd nap with him!
And it is SO great when they start to get their top-of-head hair! They stop looking like Friar Tuck!!
i'm sure i'm gonna have a zillion questions for you guys come July and's neat to read this stuff now to have an idea of what things might be like in just a few short months....ack!
And soon as you get her on her own to sleep, her Grandmas are coming to do the rocking and cuddling, of course letting her sleep in our we smell her and kiss her and treasure each moment.
Hi Nevada,
From personal experience, don't put to much faith in books. Every book will tell you something different. Get ideas from them, and look to them if you are really stuck on something, but let your instincts, and experiences guide you. Also every child is different, let them guide you too. People who write books base them on their personal experiences, and they will be completely different than yours.
Harrison was a perfect baby, when he was just over a month old, I could lay him down in his crip when it was nap time, or bed time, and he would just go to sleep, no fussing, nothing. Now Matthew on the other hand was not. He was colicy, and never stoped crying. The only way we could sooth him was to play Shaggy's "Angel" loud with lots of base, and have him in his swing. There was nights that I slept beside the swing and woke up every 15 minutes to rewind the swing so we could sleep. Then we too made the mistake of letting Matthew sleep with us for a while, because it was "easier". It was at the time, but then he got bigger and started taking up to much of the bed, and it was not so easy anymore, and we had to teach him to sleep in his bed. Now he is 4 and still sneaks into bed with us once in a while, but most times he wakes me up, gets a hug and goes back to his bed.
As for Grandma and Baba comming to visit. YAY!!!!! That means SLEEP FOR YOU!!!! That is what they are there for, you will be able to have a nap, even when she is awake if you need to.
You gyes are doing great. She is absolutely darling. She looks and it soulds like she is completly happy and healty. Keep having fun, and enjoying every minute with you precious baby.
Lots of Love
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