Monday, January 15, 2007

Cutesy Wutesy

Baby clothes are soo adroable and one of the funnest (good english, eh?) things of having a baby is picking out little outfits. It's too bad she is a winter baby and can't wear all her little short sleeved onesies, but we still have fun. We were given a tonne of clothes from two familes who are done having kids and passed on all their baby girl clothes to us and I found this little bonnet in the hat drawer yesterday. She looks more like a doll then ever. She was kinda grouchy during the photo shoot, but the effect is still there, I think.


Anonymous said...

Our own little Baby Doll...GEMMA MEI.

I think she looks adorable.


Everybody's Auntie said...

photo 8768 -- the first photo where my baby looks like her mama!! Yipee!! Not that I'm not loving the whole Mini-Chester factor; but it's nice to know she has two parents! :)
The not being able to smell her is killing me you know.. BABA BE had better find out a way to bring the smell back..

Anonymous said...

Auntie A:
I'm surprised that you think she looks like Nevada in that picture. I think she still looks like her Daddy in that shot: eyes closed, mouth open...I can hear the snoring now.

I have to go and make sure she doesn't smell like maple syrup because apparently her parents are feeding her pancakes and syrup.


Melissa said...

How adorable!

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