Thursday, September 21, 2006

Out of breath

I like to think I've been a good supportive husband during the pregnancy so far. I've remained patient and understanding but today I slipped up. We were busy getting the house ready for some weekend guests (the Wristons) and we had to make up the guest bed. We don't have a mattress for the bed but we have these thick foam thingies. We've been using them on our bed but now we had to transport them. We picked them up off our bed and rolled them up for easy transport. Nevada crawled across the bed and was a bit winded. Then we walked across the hall to the guest bedroom and by then she was tired. Once we dropped the foam thingies on the bed she needed a little break. I couldn't believe and I said some smart-ass comment, something to the effect of, "we only walked ten feet, how can you be tired?" Then she explained to me that she can't help it and that her diaphram is being squished or something. Oops...I'm usually able to handle these changes but I couldn't fathom a ten foot walk being tiresome. My bad...I apologize. I still have a lot to learn and need to work on my compassion skills. This thing is one big learning experience....and the baby's not even here yet.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Well, at least you realized your mistake. Some husbands don't even try to understand, and wives need that understanding!! It's very hard work making and carrying a baby! Actually, it's quite amazing and quite a miracle, what a woman's body can do!