Friday, August 24, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

I was doing dishes one night this week and every time I looked over at her, she was in a new position. I left her sitting on the floor, washed a bowl and looked over at her again; she was flat on the floor on her back. Wash another dish, look over, sitting up again. Look over again, standing against a chair. She is getting braver, too, and will crawl to other rooms in the house even if we are not there.

Her sleeping is getting better, only up once or twice at night which is good. Her bedtime is about 10:30, then she sleeps till 9:30 which is great for Chris, bad for me, but we'll try and negotiate that a bit this week. Speaking of sleeping, check these nap time photos out.


Anonymous said...

Oh, how beautiful.
It looks like you let her wear makeup. Even when those big blue eyes are closed they look blue. What pink little harp lips!
I especially like the pink flamingo onsie.


Trina said...

What an angel! She is getting so big, in no time she is going to be one.

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