Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Baby Helmet

Number of days back in Taiwan: 4
Number of times Gemma has fallen backwards on her head on the hardwood: 3

These stats are from yesterday, which was also the first day she didn't fall backwards. Other injuries since we've been back? Well, she was standing at the coffee table, and saw something on the floor she wanted, so she bent forward and smoked her head on the edge. Ouch! The next one is sort of our fault. I was going to give her a bath the first night, and had her all undressed but alas, no hot water. So I set her down in her empty bathtub to play while I went to check out the water situation. She was playing happily but then decided to try and stand up. The tub tipped and now she has a bruise on her chin. Being a baby is very dangerous! I feel so bad for her, but yet don't want to limit her. Doh. I was relaying all this to our casheir and she told me about a thing she has for her baby. Should we go for it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't the picture on my computor. I will try at work tomorrow.

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