Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pictures from Penghu

Two weeks ago was a holiday week for us and we went on an awesome mini-vacation with our best Taiwan friends. Panghu is a tropical island archipelego off the west coast of Taiwan. Our goal was to get away from school work and enjoy laying and relaxing in God's creation. It was a super duper good time! Here are some pics of the lovely pregnant Nevada who has definitely started looking 8 months pregnant. And a few with me just so you don't forget who the daddy is.


Allison said...

Sexy, Nevada!! I can't believe you could lay the way you were in the sleeping picture - Jared would have had a fit if I had been rolled that far onto him!!

becky said...

These are great, you guys. I miss the beach!

Everybody's Auntie said...

I so love the one of you in the tunnel..;) It is classic and beautiful!! I want prints! :)

Reagan said...

Cool pics, very sexy Nevada !! I too love the one in the tunnel. Looking at you guys hanging out on that beach made me miss the beach too :). Maybe this winter......we'll see. Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I chuckle to myself everytime you guys write "Penghu" because our kids are obsessed with "Pingui" (a penguin movie) right now.