Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Most embarrasing moment!

Ok, my most embarrasing Mommy moment to date.

I was home for lunch feeding Gemma and when she was done she barfed it back up, all over me! Not just a little spit up, the milk waterfall from her mouth all over my body. So, after changing my clothes I was running a little late (as a silly aside, it was a day that I actually matched my socks to my outfit, and then my new outfit didn't match my socks so I even needed to change them!) So, being almost late, I ran the whole block to school just in time to pick up the kids, and ushered them down the two flights of stairs to the music room. Well, as the last kids filed into music the science teacher (Adrienne) came up to me and whispered, 'Uh, are you missing one of these?" In her hand was a breast pad she saw on the stairs!!!! Her and the other two teachers with her were giggling, and doh, I felt foolish! I must have jogged it out in my hurry to get to school.

So the moral of the story is, Breast pads and jogging don't mix!


Melissa said...

That's really funny! Good thing one of the kids didn't find it - could've been more embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Well, better than when the pads start sliding out the top of your shirt! I hate that!