Monday, April 02, 2007


I was giving her a bath the other day, holding her sitting up, and she was looking at her toes and having so much fun. They kept splashing and kicking and she loved squeaking them along the bottom and sides of her plastic tub. And since she is into grabbing things she would reach down and try to grab them, but as soon as she'd get close they'd kick and jump out of the way. She probably tried for five minutes to grab those squirming appendages but no luck.

We are on day four of the medicine, and what a pain that is. I have to hold my finger in her mouth to try and squirl it around so she swallows it instead of spit it out. Even still, she gets so much on her chin and face. So my question of the day is, do doctors get how hard it is to medicate infants, and take that into consideration when they presecirbe it? Or should a mother keep trying to feed the baby until she thinks the reccomended dosage is reached? And what if they barf it out after 5 minutes? Either way, she seems to be getting better and the cold seems to be drying up.


Allison said...

Not sure how to give advice. Jared loves any sort of medication, because it tastes so good! He just sees a medicine dropper and opens right up! That's a tough one, though, because I know with antibiotics, at least, you have to make sure that the right amount is given for the right amount of time, otherwise immunity for antibiotics can build up. I know that Jenn always puts the dropper as far back as she can and on the side of Natalie's mouth - against the back of her cheek. Have you tried that? She didn't seem to ever lose much that way.

Anonymous said...

Put the medication in the cheek, not onto the tongue (then she can't spit it out). Also, just do really small amounts at a time. If you have to get really mean (but this is more for older kids who are screaming), you can plug her nose, and she has no choice but to swallow.

Shel said...

How are you giving it to her? Get an eyedropper and put it in her cheek, a part at a time, we had it go down fine everytime like that.

How is she with her vit. D drops? Will she take those?