Monday, April 30, 2007

Flea Market

Our little girl is such a celebrity. Everytime we go out people stare and point, and poke their friends so they look too. She gets her picture taken, her hand held, and cheeks pinched. And to say this happens everytime is not an exageration; this happens EVERY single time we leave the house.

This weekend was the flea market; YAY! Gemma got a fisher price dollhouse, and a fisher price firetruck, a jolly jumper, clothes, books, a box full of those hard rubber animals (for 3 dollars!). Most of the stuff for her we put away until next year. I got some little stuffed toys for 1 NT each for her to gum up. Everything goes in her mouth and so I am trying to keep some her nicer toys, well, nice. After the flea market I did something that needed to be done ages ago; I went through all of the clothes and sorted them again. Brenda did it once for me when she was here, but Baby has grown so much since then, and I don't want to miss anything. We've got all Shelen's stuff washed and packed and ready to go home (Lil Bean, don't be early!), stuff for Mikala's mystery baby (if you are a girl, you are so lucky!), a bag to take home to wear during the summer, a bag of summer clothes for after Canadian summer back in Taiwan, and then a box of winter clothes. We've been given so much great stuff, its awesome.


Trina said...

That is great, I LOVE hand downs, they are the best!!! So are cheap toys!! We are moving back to Saskatoon this summer, hopefully when you are there so I get to see you and the precious Gemma!!

Anonymous said...

And Baba has some new things for her when she arrives... Toys and clothes. I am getting so excited, I am hoping she doesn't make shy.
In Canada, she will be more than a celebrity as her family will do more than just stare at her or touch her, she will be lavished on. Hope Daddy can handle that!