Friday, August 07, 2009

In charge

You know you are risking disaster when you leave the 2 1/2 year old alone with the 4 month old while you shower...

So Gemma comes to the shower curtain. "Let me in!!" So I peek out. She starts her story: "I I I I I I I" (she has that sort of stutter where she has so many words she can't get them all out.) "I I I Guinness has a poopy diaper so I take he's diaper off, and I can't put it back on!"

Oh boy. I brace myself.

FORTUNATELY she just checked to see if he had a poopy diaper, he didn't actually have one, so the diaper was put back on and everything was ok.


Allison said...

Stick the exersaucer with Guinness in it, in the bathroom with you. Then at least you have some sort of idea as to what is going on. It worked really well for the two kiddos and me when Ayda was a baby.

Trina said...


What a good little helper :).

The idea about the exersaucer is good as long as it is in the bathroom so Gemma doesn't try to take him out of it. I know of a boy who took one of his sisters out of the playpen by the neck when they were babies.

Paula Perry said...

phew! that would have been a mess...really a big mess...

Jessica said...

Wow! Crisis averted!

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