Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It's a Sunny Day!

Nothing that exciting in Gemma land; every day we play and have fun and she says amazing things. It's so hard to remember because she says so many new things every day, and its not like her baby talk where she would learn one new thing and say it all the time; she has so much variety in her vocabulary now.

Something fun has been Gemma's wake up call to us in the morning. Instead of crying in her bed or calling out Mommy? Daddy? She has started coming into our room. With this HUGE smile on her face she leans in and says "Wake up! Its a sunny day!" Her eyebrows are lifted in expectation, waiting for me to get up. We then rush to the living room (she rushes, I waddle) and she shows me outside the sunny day. (which is sometimes cloudy but more sunny than night time ;) Today I almost broke her heart when I told her 'Today Daddy is going to get out of bed with you, Mommy is going to sleep a bit longer'. Total puppy dog face.

We took the MRT out to the end of the line by our house because a friend told me there was a park there, so we went and did some exploring. It was a lot like Meewasin trail, a beautiful path along the river for biking, and we could see paddle boats (or pedal boats? I've never known the right word) We walked a lot, so much she fell asleep on the MRT ride home, and I carried her from the station back to our house. Oivay! And of course she woke up within 30 seconds of getting home.

Brenda has gone through all Gemma's clothes, putting away winter and taking out summer. This is our last big box of hand me downs; after 2 1/2 years we may become responsible for clothing her! She has tonnes for the summer and still half a box for next winter so we'll be ok for a while.

1 comment:

i am the diva said...

you carried her?? aren't you, like, ready to pop!?

LOL @ handmedowns, yeah - i have 3 other boxes of handmedowns in the basement.... i sort of dread the day when i'm going to have to start forking out my own cash to keep Chewie from being naked. :D