Sunday, March 22, 2009

Having fun...

We've had a nice two weeks together playing and having fun. I am trying really hard to be appreciative of all these last moments of only childness, although it is pretty distracting to have the other one hanging in front not knowing when he is coming. So as excited as I am for number 2 to make his appearance, just trying to relax and enjoy my Gemma time. We've made cookies, muffins, crafts, gone to the park numerous times a day, blown bubbles, painted... I am finally off biking, more for other people's sake than my own, but when I am not working we have more time so can walk places.

Gemma is having lots of fun with Baba, showing her how to get places and impressing her with all her skills. She has grown up a lot in the last few weeks, getting taller and talking talking talking. I need to focus and remember something she says because she comes up with the wittiest stuff and I forget. We were riding the bus home last week and I was holding my MRT card (like a prepay card for the buses and MRT and she said, "This you MRT card Mommy?" Last night about 1am Chris and I were just fighting with the laptop and she came out of bed, "Peekaboo!" Totally a huge grin and happy to see us. And then she fell asleep again with this huge smile on her face. It was precious.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Awww, Gemma sounds so sweet! And man, all those sound like pretty much the best Mommy ever!!