Thursday, August 14, 2008

Word of the Day

Yesterday's new word was Mom-EE. Note the emphasis on the EE. Chris also got her to say fart, but it sounds a lot like this other four letter word that starts with f, so we won't be asking her to repeat that anytime soon. ;)

Last night we took her baby for a walk in its little stroller. She LOVES that stroller, it is hands down her favorite toy ever. (Thank you Kim and LInda and girls) We like to go outside and walk the baby. Down the elevator. Down the driveway. Down the street. On the weekend she had walked three city blocks with it until I finally made her turn around and come back. (She then had a tantrum; laying on her face on the sidewalk kind). Last night we took the baby to the park. It was so funny because she parked her little stroller right where I park the stroller, went down the slide once, and then wanted to leave. It was just so funny, we walked all the way to the park just to go down the slide once. We were about halfway home and then she decided she wanted to go back so we did. The baby went down the slide too. Gemma likes to go down the slide 'back' she calls it, actually, she lays down on her tummy and goes down feet first. I think she saw someone do that before. It's amazing what they will see once and remember. Like yesterday the babysitter said she was really insistent on having milk on her raisins. Well last week, I had put raisins in her cereal with the milk, and she must have remembered.

1 comment:

Trina said...

Darn, you should have had cream for the sitter to put on her raisons. MMMM raisons and cream, I don't think I could eat that, but I guess people do put cream on their peaches.

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