Saturday, August 16, 2008


So we were having supper last night, the three of us, and Chris let out this enormous belch. I quickly admonished him, "Chris!" and Gemma immediately looked at him and said, "Chris!". We both sort of froze, wanting to laugh so bad but to not encourage her. It was so funny. I suspect we won't have that problem with 'Nevada'.


Andy Wu said...

Oh, she is getting so fun!

Allison said...

Not sure how far back you go with comments, so I just wanted to assure you about the cream thing. At her age, that "healthy" fat that cream is is actually quite good for her (obviously not in huge amounts) but she needs it for brain development, so I wouldn't worry about adding cream to things. Of course, if you are still doing that when she's 16, you might have a problem...:) We just recently (when Jared turned 2) started giving him 2% instead of whole milk, and we were certainly never worried about him getting fat, and he's a big boy. Their brains need the "good" fat!! PS - I am assuming that the baby news is now public, since Chester blogged about it (you may have too, I haven't been to your blog yet tonight.)

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