Friday, May 09, 2008


We got free tickets to the waterpark near our house for this weekend, and since tomorrow we have a friend's wedding party I was so pumped for a hot sunny day to take Gemma to the pool. And instead it's pouring rain. Drat. It is only 8am so maybe it will shape up.

In Gemma news she is really mimicking a lot this week. She still has her favorite words though, and uses them a lot. Ball. Fish. BuhBye! Xie Xie. GoGo! (dog in Chinese) She also has certain sounds that she uses a lot, for example 's'. You tell her, Gemma say please. And she goes 'sss'. Gemma, say yes. "Sss". She likes ss and shh the best. Her other cute almost word is up She says it sometimes but most often she just moves her mouth open and close, with this little popping sound.

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