Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gemma's Baby

It's very cute how she plays with her 'baby'. She feeds it and gives it water, lays down with it at night. Until she gets bored with it and drops it on its head.


mlafayette said...

Hey Nevada,

It looks like Gemma has a white doll. Did you find the doll in Taiwan? Are most of the dolls in Taiwan Asian or white?

Raising a child who is black and white I am trying to make sure his books show children who look like him. I have a wonderful book that I bought from Universal Church Supplies that explains that Jesus loves us no matter what we look like. If we have red hair or dark skin, Jesus will still love us. It is a board book and has lovely illustrations.

I find this a fascinating topic. Is it hard to find books/dolls etc... that look like Gemma in Taiwan?

Chris said...

The doll we got at a garage sale, so it may have came from America. She doesn't have an Asian doll (she only has two) but I will have to look for one. I feel like most of the dolls I've seen here are caucasian. And books and things. Hmm...now I have to think. She does have books with different coloured babies in them, black and white and asian.

She definitely notices white people on the street. I mean, we're surrounded by Asian people so when she sees a caucasian person she kind does a double take.

Are you finding it difficult to find books? I feel like most books/TV shows/etc nowadays for kids feature all sorts of cultures. I mean, thinking of Dora, Little Einsteins, Bob the Builder.

Nevada said...

sorry, that was me commenting, not Chester.

mlafayette said...

I haven't really bought many books since Dolan was born. Just a few board books. I had so many that I collected while I was teaching.

My friend's children are black/white and she said it is hard to find black dolls in Saskatoon.

Just something I think about, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Try Pumpkins and Monkeys on Broadway. When Gemma gets here Baba will take her there. I saw an Asian doll there, that I hope she will choose. I would think they have Black dolls as well. I had one has a little girl.

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