Thursday, January 03, 2008

A game...

I think Gemma is on the mend, she ate a lot more today than yesterday so that is good. No solid poos yet, but also o runny ones since this morning so I hope that is good.

She loved the vacation. Don't think I need to say more about that. What a lucky baby :)

Now time for a little game: Go to the comments section and name 10 baby food flavors; GO!

(I need some inspiration for my next babyfood making party, and we only have like 5 flavors at our local grocery store; peach, applesauce, fruit medley, chicken and gravy, and vegetables and chicken. I know there has to be more ideas out there:)


Trina said...

1. You could add rice to chicken and gravy, or change out the chicken for turkey.
2. Vegetables and beef.
3. Spaghetti
4. Apple straberry
5. Custard (this was always James' favorite to feed the boys)

Also here are two websites that have different varieties.

The Heinz one, you can go to the different steps (1 - 4) and they hace different varieties.

I hope this helps, and Gemma enjoys.

Judy said...

Yams are high in iron and they mush nicely.They are a great first food for babies too.

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