Wow, so long. Sorry everyone! It has been a super busy week, and I've been putting all my extra time on a guess book for another friend and wow. Having a baby is certainly not good for my productivity. But that's ok, because she is only a baby once. I am too aware of the fact that she will one day grow up.
Here is a summary of the week's accomplishments:
-Officially weaned. I nursed a few times this week but I think it's all done.
-Lots of babbling, a few more real words but nothing consistent. Up sometimes, chss (for cheese). She gets super into storytelling, and she'll make all the right facial expressions for a story and tell it to you very intently. It's so cute!
-Loves books! She'll grab a book and bring it over to me, sit on my lap and wait to be read to, I think she is starting to get that the things I say connect to the pictures on the page, and that the pictures on one page connect to the next page. Her favorites are Dino Gets a Bath, a really cute flap book with Dino hiding in all sorts of places. She smiles and acts surprised as we find Dino, and hits other one called Where's Noah? about Noah's ark. As you turn the pages another layer of the rainbow is revealed.
-Talent show judging. Gemma came with me afterschool to help judge the talent show. She loves when the kids sing and dance and play instruments.
-Didn't cry for babysitters! She had three babysitters this week and was pretty good. One new babysitter came over so I could go to a Women's care and share night, and she took Gemma for a walk. When they got home Gemma didn't want to get out of the stroller, so the sitter just set it in front of the TV and the two of them watched TV for the last little it.
Lastly, Gemma has a cold. Lots of snot, very stuffed. I got a decongestant and some cold medicine, tried the decongestant first, so we'll see how much difference it makes. She has slept for 12 hours straight (a first!) I keep checking on her and she has hardly moved, but is breathing nice and deep, so hopefully she feels better when she wakes up.