Sunday, May 27, 2007

First Tantrum?

Gemma was playing with a paper tag from a toy on Saturday. I usually let her play with paper until it starts disintigrating and then take it away, so when the tag was getting a little gooey I took it from her and she howled her displeasure! I think this was her first willful moment.

She is growing up in so many other ways, too. Like how she notices when people are paying attention to her and not. She flirts like crazy with her friends at chruch and is very cute and cuddly with new people. It's like she knows everyone is watching her. Also, she recognizes her name!

And what counts as the first word? She has been making her consonant sounds all weekend: "ga ga da da da da da da ba bowbow da da da". So do we get to count that as Dada, or does it have to be in context?

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