Saturday, March 24, 2007

Baby Tylenol

We cracked the baby Tylenol for the first time this week. Monday night she didn’t sleep well, and she had grouched all day for Chris. Tuesday she fussed and fussed, and when she woke up at 3:00am to eat she was so hot. So I got out the thermometer and sure enough she was at about 101F. Fortunately 3am here is 1pm at home and I got some advice from Shelen, gave her the Tylenol and she rested pretty good the rest of the night. Other than that our baby has been a star performer all week. She spent all last Saturday at Track and field day, cheering on the kids and being played with. She napped all afternoon with Mommy on Thursday when I was sooo tired. Friday night she was out at Fun Night and had a blast. Yesterday she let another mother (of a student) hold her for the whole recital, which was so great for Mommy. I love this portable age.
Funny thing this week: Now that she can hold her head up she likes to be held up in a sitting position. So when you put her in the stroller and strap her in she pushes her head forward, like she’s trying to sit up, but she can’t, and she gets really frustrated. Of course as soon as her fingers get into her mouth she forgets all about it. And on that note, all you mommy’s out there, what are your favorite toys for babies to put in their mouths? Gemma wants to put everything in her mouth. If she is laying on the floor and I’m sitting in front of her with my legs up kind of over her, she’ll try and grab my leg and pull it to her mouth. If you go in for a kiss, she’ll try and suck your lips. When I get dressed and put her on the bed, she’ll grab whatever T-shirt or pyjama is within her finger grasp, pull it to her mouth and suck on that. So I think some teething toys are in order.


Allison said...

Get used to the "everything in her mouth" stage - Jared is still in it! Discovery Toys has a great teething toy, with lots of different textures on it. I can try to get you one, if you want. I think it was about $8 - $10. Of course, if you ask Jared, he'd say his favourite things to chew on are: the tops of Mommy's hair product bottles (he's learned how to suck the stuff out, so that's now not allowed!), pens, his shoes and socks - particularly from his right foot, the remote, keys, get the idea! I've found that while he does chew on his toys, it's mostly other things that he prefers. And I'm a pretty laid-back Mom, so unless he could choke on it, or it's a filthy thing (like the shoe that I just wore in the mud) or contains poison, I pretty much let him go at whatever he wants that he's normally allowed to play with and explore.
And a note about Tylenol vs. Advil. I just recently learned that Advil is stronger and so should be saved for when you are sure that there is a fever, or teething, etc. when you need it to be really effective. Tylenol is much less potent, so it can be used even when you think that something might be wrong, without worrying that you are giving her too many meds. That's also why you can give Tylenol more regularly than Advil. They can also be used in conjunction with each other, as they contain different ingredients. So if you just guess that maybe a tooth is starting to pop up, so you've given Tylenol, and an hour later you see that tell-tale bump and notice a high fever, you can give Advil without waiting. I guess I kinda knew that, because after giving birth they gave me Advil and Tylenol, rotating every 2 hours, but with babies it just seems like it should be different. But it isn't!

Candace said...

Spencer loves putting everything in his mouth too. One toy he really likes are the plastic coloured links that we got from the dollarama. That's a favorite around here. It's just a large plastic, coloured chain that is good for the house and it also is low on diaper bag space.

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