Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Life with baby; what a thing. If I have time in a day to eat a few meals, get dressed, brush my teeth and put deodorant on, the day is done! And speaking of daily things, like showers and eating and brushing teeth... If you are up all day and night, when do you do those things? I mean, usually I brush my teeth and go to the bathroom in the morning, and put deodorant on too. Then at night before I go to bed I brush my teeth again. But with Gemma here, when do I 'go to bed'? I go to bed at 10:30, then again at 12:30, then again at 3, then repeat with the waking up stuff; I have three different wake up times; 6, 9 and today 11.

Last night was the worst for sleeping; she would not sleep in her bed. I would get her calmed and quiet, lay her in bed and she would sleep for about 5 minutes, wiggle for 5 and then be awake. And repeat. By the time she finally fell asleep it was time to eat again! Finally, I gave up and let her sleep on my chest and we both crashed on the couch from about 5-7:30. Then I made the mistake of trying to go to bed. Doh... Then she was up. Again.

So, passport office yesterday... I got everythign ready the night before, had it all laying out. Then in the morning I double checked it all, and ventured out. A 30 minute bus ride later we are there, get up to the office stuff! It was all neatly placed in an envelope on the kitchen table at home. So, 30 minute bus ride home once again with no passport. Then today was so rough in the morning, we didn't wake up until 11. (We didn't really fall asleep in our own beds until 8) and since the passport office is only open from 9-11:30 we missed our chance. Oh well, tomorrow.

I am really trying to have a relaxed attitude about everything; ie; dirty floor, dirty dishes, wearing the same clothes every day, piles of laundry... because I know she will not be a baby forever, or even for a long time, but it is very hard for me and my structured self. Part of me wants to cuddle her at every moment and the other part of me is dying to get the broom out. You can pray for me that I stay relaxed and enjoy all these minutes with our already 3 week old little bear. (I started calling her little bear because she makes these funny growling sounds... we'll try to catch it on video soon)

(posted by Nevada)


Anonymous said...

Hey Vada!

She's still really young, it'll all settle down. You can sweep if you really want to, LOL! But don't feel guilty if you don't. In a few more weeks it'll begin to fall into place. (Only to fall back out because of teething....or a cold....or visitors. LOL!)

Welcome to parenthood!! Nothing is ever as it seems! :) Isn't it wonderful?


LJE said...

having never been there myself, i can't offer any advice or consolation firsthand, but like you said, this won't last forever. Praying for you guys....

Chris said...

Nevada, you get me so excited and so scared at the same time, I'm desperate just to have our baby, but SO SCARED all at the same time! If you're home in the summer YOU'LL be the experianced Mum giving me advice! Take care sweety!

Anonymous said...

Gemma is trying to teach her Mommy how to roar like a

Allison said...

Shelen is right - if you have time and want to sweep, or whatever, DO IT! If you are able to, it will probably help you relax more during other times! Unfortunately, there does come a time where you do have to start those things again!
Here's what I did to shower or bath: strapped Jared into his bouncy chair and brought him into the bathroom with me. He was content for the length of a bath, so it was great! I still do that, only with his Excersaucer and it works like a charm! I would also do that for other getting ready things: he would sit in his vibrating chair on the middle of our bed and I would do my thing. If he started squawking when I was almost finished, I would sing to him and that was enough to finish what I needed to. And now singing works to calm him most of the time! Of course, it is still easier to do these things when Ryan is at home to help! But on a regular day, he is not.
Hope this helps...

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