Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, anyone else get jealous of their kid's homework? Gemma does some really neat tracing and coloring. And last week she was learning about shapes so we went on a shape hunt with the camera in the yard and took pictures of the shapes so we could make a book. I was pysched about the whole project, she was moderately interested. And then I had a great idea for the cover which she totally dismissed! And then she didn't even want to put in the cool sticker labels I made!!

I can totally see us each handing in our own assignments to her teachers. "Sorry I have two dioramas, Mr. K. My mom was so excited she made one, too."

Ha ha! Maybe I need a more grownup creative outlet.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Hahaha! You make me laugh so! 'My mom was so excited she made one too.' :)