Saturday, September 25, 2010

Songs and Soccer

Gemma is very into making up songs. They are usually about God or Jesus, and usually go something like this:

"God, we love you, you are so good and we love you in our hearts. And our hearts love you because you are nice, you are nice and good and big."

Today she did one I'll call "God is the biggest". It went a little like;

"God is so big, He is the biggest, the biggest, and the most... (thoughtful pause) power-est, He is bigger than the daddies, than the daddies, than the daddies."

Also in Gemma news; she will be attending her first soccer practice tomorrow. Some friends have found a preschool team and so we're checking it out tomorrow; we'll see how it goes. We talked a bit about it today, and I guess our sports education has not been so good.

"Gemma, are you excited to try soccer tomorrow?"

"Yes. But I don't have a ball."

"Well, that's ok. If you like it, maybe we can get one."

"Ok. But I'll need to practice before my game."

"Well, we can use another ball to practice."

"I will pick it up and throw it in the net"

"Uh, well, you see Gemma, what's interesting about soccer is that you can't use your hands. You just use your feet and kick the ball around."

"But how do I pick it up?"

"Well, you don't. You use your feet and kick it."

and then I started to get worried about tomorrow...

She asked what the net would look like and I explained it was rectangle and on the ground, and someone will stand there and block her shot, to which she said she would kick it over their head. This is part of her inability to grasp reality thing; she really thinks that she will be able to score goals very easily, and kick the ball where she wants it, etc. It is so hard to watch her try these things because she is truly so disappointed that she can't do it. She doesn't understand it at all. Then she gets frustrated and mad.

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