Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Gemma announced that she doesn't like music class because she 'doesn't want mommy to teach all the other kids. Just her.' Kindermusik is going OK. Yah, I'll leave it at that.

Tonight in Gemma's world she had 'kohlorabi' to eat (she meant lasagne), and gave Dora an hour long bath in the sink, using her and Guinness' toothbrush and almost all the soap in the process. There was lots of singing during this bath time. We ripped Ariel's head off trying to play paper dolls, ooops, so then we went to Katrina's because we were out of tape.

The latest bedtime trap? Asking for a drink of water, then spilling it n herself so she can change pyjamas, buying herself more mommy time. She is sleeping in her underwear tonight because I didn't want to change her, and besides, all her other jammies are in the wash.

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