Wednesday, March 05, 2008


We were at Subway yesterday for dinner, and Gemma was sitting on my lap as I was eating my sub. All of a sudden my firneds sitting across from me said "AHH! Take it out of her mouth!" She had picked a jalepeno off the paper and put it in her mouth. I got it out pretty quickly, wiped her tongue off with a napkin and gave some drink. Not before she let out a surprised 'AhhhHHH!' though. Yikes!


Trina said...

AWWWW the poor little thing :(
In the future, milk helps sooth spicy, so does sugar but you probably don't want to pour a packet of sugar in her mouth.

Nevada said...

Yah, I knew the milk thing and was ready to run out the door to 7-11 to pick up a small carton, but she recovered. (such an unprepared mother, no milk on hand for jalepeno emergencies :P

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