Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The funniest thing happened yesterday...Ok, funny for me, not Gemma.

Gemma was standing in the bathroom at the opposite end of the faucet (If you've been a McKenzie blog follower for a long time, you'll have heard about Taiwan bathrooms; there is a shower and a faucet but no tub) So she was standing at that end, away from the water because I was going to run it to fill her little bathtub. Well, I turned the water on full force and the little knob on the faucet that switches it from tap to shower was UP so instead of water coming down out of the tap it came shooting out of the shower head and totally sprayed the fully clothed Gemma from head to toe. Poor thing was so surprised, but didn't cry or anything. And then I was laughing so hard she started laughing too. (reactions are so key with babies). What a brave little girl. I'm still laughing today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is part Ochitwa, so it doesn't surprise me that she likes water.
Great Grandpa will be thrilled to know she will be ready for Happy Everything Grand Event::: THE WATER FIGHT. This unexpected dousing shows she is getting into condition.

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