Monday, September 03, 2012

First day of school is tomorrow!

Tomorrow Gemma will start grade 1.  Her principal and the secretary were really nice when we registered last week, and the first day will be a simple 1 hour assembly in the gym.  Shrug.  Not sure at all what to expect!

Don't know where her classroom is.
Don't know the teacher's name.
Don't know the music teacher, PE teacher, art teacher.
Will there be snack time?
When is recess?
Where will they eat lunch?
How often do they go to the library?
Will she be behind?

I am very hopeful that both of us will make new friends!


Erin Bowden said...

It seems funny and ironic to me that you're in your home country (although a very new place) and still those things remain a mystery. I suppose you've learned to roll with it. We miss you terribly here! I am praying that you will meet wonderful new friends as you settle in. And I think your blog is so awesome!!

Allison said...

A lot of that stuff is stuff that will come. I had no idea what day library was either last year, and then Jared brought home a book one day with a note saying that it was every Day 2. So maybe they were still figuring all that stuff out. This year, I had to ask his teacher when it was - she seems a bit more disorganized than last year's teacher...