Sunday, May 20, 2012

This has been the most amazing week for Gemma; on Tuesday she lost her first tooth AND learned to ride a two wheeled bike.  I'm speechless.  It's so amazing how much she's grown and matured, and I've just been marbling in her awesomeness lately.

We were having a picnic on Tuesday night, and Chris was giving her a hard time 'cause she couldn't get the corn on the cob that well.  Well, she sat down and was eating a french fry and then I noticed a hole in her mouth.  I said, "Gemma where's your tooth???" and she looked down at the ground and found it right away; she had just flicked it there because it came out in her fry and she didn't know what to do with it.

I don't know if she's even been that excited before.  She told us the story about a hundred times (even though we were both eye witnesses).  And she state awake until 11:30.  She could not. stop. talking. about it.

The second one is almost all the way out, too.  What is the going rate for the Canadian tooth fairy?  Gemma got 50NT (a bit less than 2$)

1 comment:

Allison said...

That's what we gave Jared - $2. Seems about right to me. I know some people that give up to $5 and I personally think that's ridiculous! $5 for each baby tooth?! Not in our household!