Monday, February 14, 2011

Pictures of school

A friend whose son is enrolled at the school emailed me these pics and a little report. (She must have dropped her son off after I left) Here's what she said:

"Hi Nevada,
I thought you might like these pics of Gemma that I took for you this morning when I was there from 9:00 - 9:30am. Just wanted to let you know that she was happily engaged in play with the other girls when we showed up during the early free play time. During the worship songs, she paid close attention to the teachers and tried to do the actions with the songs. Of course, getting to play in the big cars was quite a thrill for her and all of the kids! She seemed to be really enjoying herself overall."

Pheww, sigh of relief. It will be the hardest thing for me I think to not know what she is doing all the time.

1 comment:

Brenda BE said...

I am just as anxious as Mommy about Gemma being left with somebody else. I hope she continues to enjoy the time to socialize and learn.