Saturday, January 29, 2011

I hate sleep training

I am so tired of waking up in the middle of the night.

Now Gemma is coming to our bed. Which is fine because then we actually SLEEP instead of me walking over to her room 3 or 4 times a night. But since I would like to sleep with Chris instead of Gemma (although she is cuddlier and has better breath) last night we insisted she go to her own bed. And so I was up because she woke up three times crying. And if we want to sleep train her we will have to go through this for days and days until she starts to sleep n her own in her own room. All night. And I can not cave in and fall asleep in her bed. Or let her come to my bed. Which means I will not sleep much. Not that I do already. Ugg, I am already in a bad mood thinking about it. Lack of sleep makes you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kristie said...

maybe let her sleep on a mat or blanket on the floor beside your bed? i've heard of this. you tell her if she wakes up she can come in a lie down on the mat, but not wake you up. i don't know, the floor in winter in taiwan is pretty cold. i hate sleep training too. abram needs some, lately he's been waking up at 3 or 4 and crying until we let him come to sleep with us. ugh.

Allison said...

Totally understand - Jared has JUST started not crawling into our bed in the middle of the night. The problem over here? We have a king-size bed and neither Ryan nor I noticed him crawl in, so he would get away with sleeping with us. And the floor thing didn't work, because the reason he crawled in with us? "Because it's so nice and warm and cuddly in your bed". Uhhh, well, I can see how that is appealing! Anyway, we started a bed chart for him, like we did when he was potty training. Rewards at the end!! Good luck - getting up in the night SUCKS!! Especially with 4 year olds!!