Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ah ha moment...

We let our kids watch TV. Not too much, but probably more than we should. And I discovered where this may become a problem: REALITY!

Like when we were at a waterfall in JiaoXi, and Gemma said, "I am going to skip over those rocks. I can!"

Umm, actually, you can't. I'll help you. My help is always met with resistence.

And then this week, she was telling me how great she was at something, and I was gently trying to bring her down a notch (or 5) and she trumped me with this; "Well, I can see invisible things."

Oh boy. I tried to explain that she couldn't actually see invisible things to no avail.

1 comment:

Grandpa Steve said...

MAYBE se can see invisible thing.....