Tuesday, August 17, 2010

'I can speak...'

I know you wish I was going to finish this sentence with 'Chinese' but, sadly it is not so. I will try and repeat the conversation Gemma and I had on the way to the park tonight:

(biking past a small dog)

Me: "Gemma, look at the puppy!"

G: "Oh, its so cute! It's following us! It has no one to take care of it."

M: "No, I think it has someone to take care of it."

G "WE could take care of it. It could come on my bed and snuggle me."

M "Uh humm..."

G I could speak to it on dog language. I can speak dog language, mommy, do you want to hear me? ruff ruff (sort of higher pitched small dog sounds.) This is how I speak to little dogs. And this is how I speak to big dogs. Woof woof. WOOF."

(Gemma barks loudly at the dog now back in the distance. Then she barks at the next lady who walks by. A moment of silence and then Guinness is the front seat starts up; woof woof!)

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