Monday, January 11, 2010

Sleepover Success

Well, the babysitters and the child were happy today so I count it as a success. She didn't go to sleep till 2:00am and INSISTED on coming home before going to work, but other than that PIng said "She was perfect" and Victor said, "We're waiting a few more years before we have kids." Seriously, though, they were so awesome and so great to her. They really showed her a great time. She made her first professional voice recordings (Victor is a musician) so that was cute. Chris and I got this email about 11pm; a sound clip of Gemma singing and Victor playing. She had a bath, she played chasing and Barbie, and after her quick trip home went to work for 2 and half hours and was super great again. They did some more visiting after that and didn't make it home till 3:40! We are so blessed by friends who love our kids so so much, as much as we do.

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