Monday, September 08, 2008

on the charts

So we've been doing this careful eating thing for a month now. We never did go as far as adding cream or butter to everything, but we have added pediasure to her daily diet. We've been spending a LONG time at meals, playing all sorts of stupid games to make her finish her meal. Example; eat this and Mommy will throw the ball at you. Then you can throw it at mommy! I wish the advice "Don't force kids to eat; when they are hungry they will" was true with Gemma; if we did not insist she eat she would hardly eat at all. The world is way to fun to be stuck in a high chair. This has taken lots of patience for Chris and I as we are both wolf it down kind of people. We've eliminated almost all sugary snacks in between meals, like cookies. This helps her eat more at meal times.

The result? Well, not much. She is 10kg (22lbs). This puts her at about the 7th percentile. So at least she is on the chart. However, I am happy because after all this research and time and focus, I at least know that she is eating enough and getting all her daily nutrional requirements. I can't do more than that. She is healthy, developmentally on track, and very active. So go Gemma!

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