Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Playing with Dora stickers on the plane.

Anyone recognize this famous person? Hint: Canadian music. Put your guess in the comments.

Hi Ty! Nice to meet you!

Whoa! Big doggie!

Welcome to Canada!

We made it back safe and sound. Gemma was a great traveller, praise the Lord, and everything went smoothly. She slept a lot, played and colored a lot and enjoyed yummy snacks.

So far we've seen my sister and bro-in-law, and my nephew Ty. They met us at the airport in Calgary for dinner and some play time. We landed in Saskatoon at 11:30ish, saw Baba and Grandma and Grandpa, played at Baba's until 1:30am and then Gemma slept until 3:30 this afternoon. She conked out in the car on the way home from a friends house now (about 8:40) so hopefully this will be her bedtime and not just a nap. Ha, we'll see. We were at Shelen and Mat's place, checked out the Flames room and played with Ian and Kaitlyn.

Gemma is looking for playdates, we'll begin making our rounds here this week as we want to see as many of you as possible. Call us at Brenda's!


mlafayette said...

Give me a call some afternoon when you are free. We can meet at Enchantedland or a park (if we ever have nice weather). My number is in the phone book.

Michelle and Dolan

Anonymous said...

george canyon?