Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Our baby gets more personality everyday. She is at such a neat stage where she is learning things really quickly, remembering old things and trying out tonnes of stuff.

Today Chris was playing with her Helen Keller style; he was touching her hand to his face and saying da-da..da-da, and then touching her face and saying Gemma...Gemma. After a few times, he put her hands on his face and she said it; da-da. Daddy is also working on 'kiss' and 'high five'.

Tonight was Gemma's first experience with toothpaste. We have a nurse that is working with our school system to be on call to ask health questions, etc, and I asked her this week about flouride drops for Gemma. (We drink bottled water, not tap water, and so there is no flouride in it) She said, after all her research and talking with doctors and dentists both in Taiwan and America that flouride drops or pills are very difficult to dose properly; too little and there is no point, too much can cause serious problems. What she recommends is brushing at least once a day with a smidge of toothpaste and then start flouride treatments at the dentist when she is 3. Anyway, Gemma and the toothpaste...It was so cute! She made this awful face, like "Mommy, take it out, yuck" and she never makes that face. I think it was a little too minty for her :) I will go buy her a more gentle kiddy flavor tomorrow.

Another little story; in the bath she likes when I put the soap on her hand. It started when she would first start playing with the bottle, and I would hold her hand flat, palm up and put a little on her hand and then rub them together to make the bubbles. Now she holds her hand out palm up all by herself, and waits for me to squirt the soap on. Then she tries to rub them together enough to make the bubbles. And I showed her how to rub the bubbles all over her tummy and arms...I gave her about 5 squirts of soap and she would have taken more. One thing about bath time is I can't make her look up to rinse the shampoo off. I try to dangle toys in front of her up high so she tilts her head back and then pour the water, but as soon as she feels it on her head she puts her chin down, and it all runs down her face. Maybe time for one of those foamy hat-ring things?


Anonymous said...

Chris hated getting his hair washed. We tried every gadget available even swim eye googles,I still have the five pairs we tried.
By the way, the links on Nevada's blog are gone.


Anonymous said...

Leif is almost 5 and we still can't get him to hold his head back!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry about flouride too much. After, what? Fifty years of usage? it is still NOT FDA approved. Kinda makes you think why it is available in absolutly EVERTHING!

Allison said...

We just pour the water on Jared's head and let it run down his face. It's not his favourite thing, but he's used to it. It really helped when one of us would bathe with him and let him pour water on our heads first, and count to three before pouring. I personally want him to get used to water in his face/eyes and learn how to wipe it away, so he's going to get dumped on!

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