Thursday, September 06, 2007

First Word?

She is a chatty cathy, always with lots to say and lots of passion in her voice. I think I may have caught the first word. She was crawling around the music room and got under the shiny black piano. When she looked up and saw her reflection she said, "baby". She hasn't said it since, but it was so clear. Hard to tell if its for real or not. Other things she is close to saying is wa-wa (meaning water) and dada, and mum mum mum mum. She is also getting to be a good waver, waving hello to people and goodbye. Its funny because when she wants people to go, like when she's been held by others too much and she's back in my arm, she'll wave at them like, "My mommy's here now; buh bye!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come on, Gemma
It is so easy.
Get Daddy to show you how easy it is.
Say: baba baba baba
If you say it loud enough I will come!

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