Thursday, May 26, 2011

Commercial Day

I prayed a lot today, I was so nervous about what to expect. Especially when on Tuesday I got a text saying it would be 10 hours. I called the agent immediately and said, "You do know she is only FOUR years old, right?" and she said of course, it wouldn't take that long, and that was the maximum number but it definitely wouldn't be that long, etc etc. So ok, here we go.

Annabelle took her to the north end of the city to meet the agent, who then drove them to a location. I guess it was a pretty big deal shoot. Lots of models, locations, etc, and for a pretty big name company (in Taiwan, anyway :) So Annabelle and Gemma waited for a while, then it was her turn. She told me, "There were these machines that lifted the people up and then they dropped the petals on me! I just had to catch them and play with them. It was really fun!!" I mean, what little girl wouldn't love to have millions of flower petals tossed down all around them ??? There were other kids there to play with, too, which made it fun. After that scene, they waited. And waited. And waited. The agent said they wanted to do one more scene yet, but then after about 3 hours of waiting, they said Gemma could go. So her day started at 11am, and she was done by 5. And over half that time was playing with other kids and visiting with Annabelle, which is so precious since our time with her is almost gone. The pay? 6000NT - about 200 bucks. Which of course we have to pay Annabelle out of, etc, but not bad for standing around at Danshui all day.

So we'll see if we do it again. The risk of having my kid out working for hours and hours and hours is not cool, so I will definitely ask about that before agreeing to the job. For us, we need to have someone who can take her to the jobs, since Chris and I work. But to me, if she likes it and is having fun then its not a big deal. The lady asked Annabelle if she trained Gemma to act like that, because she was so professional, and I laughed and laughed. Nope, lady. That is just how Gemma acts :)

I have no idea when we'll get to see the commercial, if ever. We don't watch a lot of TV here (that's not downloaded). But who knows? I hope to see it sometime.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The diva continues...

Gemma will be shooting her first commercial next week.

Very interested in the process. Very interested in how long it takes, and if she'll behave for that long. Very interested in how much it will pay, ha ha!! She is thrilled about 'acting surprised' as flower petals fall down all around her; this was part of the audition and a part of the commercial storyboard.

Will let you know...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Doing things her way

It is so funny that we had this argument again so close to mother's day; what she wants to wear. She has SO MANY cute clothes. I want to try them all, match carefully, see all the different outfits on her. She picks her favorite skirt and then we argue about which shirt matches it. I prefer pants or shorts, she likes skirts every day. She likes her long and down straight. I like it up and off her ears. The reason this is funny is I have very vivid memories of fighting with my mom about clothes, too. It takes all of my strength to bite my tongue and let her pick because I want to pick so badly. But our relationship being intact is more important than her wearing the outfit I like, and so I will do my best to keep it to myself!

Also doing things her way, she's been a bit constipated the last few weeks. Tonight she was super uncomfortable, I could tell by how she was walking and complaining and after her customary 10 second potty run and crying about how she can't do it (actually, her exact words were, "There's no use Mom, I can't push it out!!" ) I made her sit down and try for a longer time. We put the stool under her feet, got a story book and sat. And she's bouncing up and down on the toilet seat, saying this helped. I got her some water, and she would swish it around her mouth and then swallow, because that 'helped' too. Water swishing would be followed by more bouncing. "If I just do this 20 times, then it will come out" I was DYING trying to stop myself from laughing, it was absolutley hysterical. After about 10 minutes and no action she decided some PE was neccessary. so we went to the living room where she lead me through a series of stretches and exercises, and sure enough after that we went back to the potty and ta da!

When does it stop being ok to tell poop stories? It was just so so funny.

She does lots of funny things. I just can't remember them. Need to start keeping a list as they happen.

Monday, May 02, 2011


I know I facebooked this but I have to blog it, too, because it is so funny.

While talking with Gemma about the farm tour, the truth about where meat comes from came out. She totally doesn't believe it of course (that meat comes from cows) and has trying to process this new information. She asked me again on Saturday, "Are you SURE meat comes from cows?" Cuz I milked a cow at the farm and I was watching and no meat came out!"

Love it.