Thursday, January 31, 2008

Daddy's Helper

This is called Daddy's helper because Daddy is the laundry guy at our house.

This fits in with her obsession with carrying things around the house.

First, open the closet.

Take out item of clothing. Put it in the hamper of clean clothes waiting to be put away.

Take item out of hamper, put it in the dirty clothes pile.

Put something from dirty clothes pile into the closet.

Repeat many times. She also like to open a drawer and pull everything out (time for drawer clips). We often find her clothes laying all over the house because she picks them up and wanders around with them

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mommy's Helper Part 2

Wiping things.

She will get the rag and wipe her toys, the table, her high chair if she's sitting in it. Anything. She even went into the bathroom and we discovered she has a new talent; lifting the toilet seat. I walked in and she had her hand and rag down inside the toilet just about to give it a good scrub. (I think I caught her before she got to it).

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mommy's Helper part 1

So Gemma is into helping lately. Now that she can tip toe and reach onto things nothing is safe.

Part 1 features Gemma helping me reorganize my hair clips and jewlery.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Wow, so long. Sorry everyone! It has been a super busy week, and I've been putting all my extra time on a guess book for another friend and wow. Having a baby is certainly not good for my productivity. But that's ok, because she is only a baby once. I am too aware of the fact that she will one day grow up.

Here is a summary of the week's accomplishments:
-Officially weaned. I nursed a few times this week but I think it's all done.
-Lots of babbling, a few more real words but nothing consistent. Up sometimes, chss (for cheese). She gets super into storytelling, and she'll make all the right facial expressions for a story and tell it to you very intently. It's so cute!
-Loves books! She'll grab a book and bring it over to me, sit on my lap and wait to be read to, I think she is starting to get that the things I say connect to the pictures on the page, and that the pictures on one page connect to the next page. Her favorites are Dino Gets a Bath, a really cute flap book with Dino hiding in all sorts of places. She smiles and acts surprised as we find Dino, and hits other one called Where's Noah? about Noah's ark. As you turn the pages another layer of the rainbow is revealed.
-Talent show judging. Gemma came with me afterschool to help judge the talent show. She loves when the kids sing and dance and play instruments.
-Didn't cry for babysitters! She had three babysitters this week and was pretty good. One new babysitter came over so I could go to a Women's care and share night, and she took Gemma for a walk. When they got home Gemma didn't want to get out of the stroller, so the sitter just set it in front of the TV and the two of them watched TV for the last little it.

Lastly, Gemma has a cold. Lots of snot, very stuffed. I got a decongestant and some cold medicine, tried the decongestant first, so we'll see how much difference it makes. She has slept for 12 hours straight (a first!) I keep checking on her and she has hardly moved, but is breathing nice and deep, so hopefully she feels better when she wakes up.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thank You

Here are some pictures of Gemma wearing some of her gifts. The moccasins are real caribou hide moccasins and beaver fur, from Auntie Shirley and Uncle Greg in Yellowknife, the Baby Legs from Grandma Sheri (aren't they cute?) and the Esprit outfit from Allison. I have better pictures of her in that outfit but this one was so cute, the forced pose. LIke school pictures.

It is the end of the day and she did so much cute stuff, and I can't remember even one story. I need to tart blogging in the morning.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Ok, I don't really beleive in jinxes or knocking on wood, but I am not sure how else to explain this. Murphy's law? Anyway, Gemma is sleeping through the night, most of the time. But I was too scared to say anything because I didn't want to jinx it. All last week I would whisper to myself 'She's sleeping through the night'... Well, on Friday I finally told some people, 'Gemma is sleeping through the night.' You can probably guess where this story is going.

At 2am on Friday night she woke up. Like completely up. Crying screaming when we tried to put her back to sleep. So I was letting her play in the living room and I laid down on the couch. At one point I must have dozed off, and Chris came out for a study break and noticed something on her face. She had found a whole bag of candy and chocolate, and had eaten through the wrappers. All around her mouth was a chocolaty ring, and she was grinning ear to ear. Stinker! After all that sugar it really isn't a surprise that she didn't fall asleep until 5am. We haven't had a night like that since she was a newborn.

Saturday night and last night were awesome again. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, throw some salt over my left shoulder, find a penny pick it up...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Games We Play

The Patting game...Walk around someone's back and lay on them. Then pat gently.

Also is the play in the empty bathtub game. She likes to splash the thin layer of water around.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ready at all times

Shelen's perfectly captured drool picture posted earlier this week reminded me that I hadn't put any up from our trip to the zoo back in December. We went with Audrey's sister, brother in law and nephew, who were in town from California. Andy took some super pictures of the animals, but my favorite was this one, of Gemma looking intently over the rail...with a perfect snot bubble. Just another reason why you need to keep your camera ready at all times!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Favorites

Gemma's new favorite things to do:
1) Read a magazine. I got a Parents magazine for Christmas and she will sit with it and read it and flip the pages and turn it over for 30-40 minutes.
2) Pick up stuff. She'll pick up the blocks and put them in a pail Then take them out. Then pick them up. Then out. Same with her toy box, laundry hamper, garbage can. She also likes picking stuff up, carrying it to a new place in the house, and dropping it.
3) Squeezing through small spaces. For some reason she will try and sneak around in beween things she knows she can't fit. She pushes and squeezes and tries to force her way through. We don't have a lot of these sort of nooks, but for example between the chair and the coffee table.

I had a moment last week where I was like, "Who is this little girl?" She's grown and changed so much in the last three weeks its like a transformation; from baby to toddler. Her whole style of communicating, her movements, her facial expressions, her games. Its so amazing.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

A game...

I think Gemma is on the mend, she ate a lot more today than yesterday so that is good. No solid poos yet, but also o runny ones since this morning so I hope that is good.

She loved the vacation. Don't think I need to say more about that. What a lucky baby :)

Now time for a little game: Go to the comments section and name 10 baby food flavors; GO!

(I need some inspiration for my next babyfood making party, and we only have like 5 flavors at our local grocery store; peach, applesauce, fruit medley, chicken and gravy, and vegetables and chicken. I know there has to be more ideas out there:)

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